Isolation Protocol

Students on SPU’s campus who test positive for COVID-19 will be asked to isolate for 5 full days per CDC guidelines. The date of start of symptoms (or date of positive test if no symptoms) is day zero, and isolation lasts through the 5th day. Students may exit isolation and return to campus life on day 6 provided their symptoms are improving and they have had no fever for the prior 24 hours. Please wear a mask when resuming campus life for an additional 5 days after exiting isolation. Students who live off campus or who live nearby campus should isolate at home. Residential students in traditional dorms will be asked to isolate in a unit specified for this purpose.

Students who test positive for COVID-19 should notify SPU Health Services through the secure messaging Patient Portal or by calling Health Services at 206-281-2231. SPU Health Services will coordinate with other campus personnel as needed for isolation purposes. Students should notify their professors that they will be missing class due to isolation and should also notify any other close contacts. SPU Health Services will report cases to local public health authorities and coordinate any necessary cooperation with such agencies. SPU facilities personnel and Human Resources will report cases to state Labor and Industries authorities as necessary.

Students who have been asked to isolate in a designated campus location can find information about this process and available resources here.

What if I test positive for COVID-19 after Health Services is closed for the evening or on weekends?

If you test positive after 4:30pm on a weekday or on a weekend, please notify your RA (Resident Advisor) and isolate in place in your current residential assignment and contact Health Services at 9am on the next business day (Health Services is open Monday-Friday 9am-430pm). You should wear a mask when using any shared spaces such as restrooms while isolating in place. You may arrange for meal delivery, have a friend drop off a meal, or wear a mask & pick up a to-go meal from Gwinn while you are isolating in place. 

Employees, contractors, volunteers, and visitors on SPU’s campus who test positive for COVID-19 should isolate at home for 5 full days per CDC guidelines. The date of start of symptoms (or date of positive test if no symptoms) is day zero, and isolation lasts through the 5th day. Employees may exit isolation and return to campus life on day 6 provided their symptoms are improving and they have had no fever for the prior 24 hours. Please wear a mask when resuming campus life for an additional 5 days after exiting isolation. Employees should contact their appropriate supervisory person/body and Human Resources at or 206-281-2809. Human Resources will coordinate any communication with SPU Health Services. SPU Health Services will report cases to local public health authorities and coordinate any necessary cooperation with such agencies. SPU facilities personnel and Human Resources will report cases to Labor and Industries authorities as necessary.